The Inauguration Ceremony of Venerable Juksan, the Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism, USA
was held at the Won Dharma Center located in New York state on September 12th.


Venerable Juksan (Do-kook Hwang) is the first Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism, USA. Venerable Juksan was officially appointed the Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism, USA included Latin America in January 12th, 2021.
Venerable Sotaesan, the Founding Master of Won Buddhism said that every nation should have its own Head Dharma Master to help spread Won Buddhism dharma in the different cultural environments of the world.
In 1999, a new article, The Overseas Headquarters, was added to the Won Buddhism Constitution so that each country could legally have its own Head Dharma Master. In 2011, the Won Dharma Center was established in New York State as the first step in the establishment of a US Won Buddhism Headquarters. The Won Dharma Center began as a spiritual center to provide meditation retreats and dharma services to the community.
Now, the Won Dharma Center has become the Won Buddhism USA Headquarters included Latin America region, and it is ready to embark on additional tasks such as creating new procedures and regulations appropriate to the different environments of the Americas.
All of Won Buddhism temples and centers in the Americas will be guided by the spiritual leadership of Venerable Juksan. The Won Buddhism Headquarters in the Americas maintains its dharma lineage linked to the Won Buddhism Central Headquarters in Korea, but remains independent in most areas including making its own laws and regulations. Venerable Juksan officially represents the Won Buddhism in the Americas and will reside at the Won Dharma Center.
Venerable Juksan was ordained a Won Buddhist minister in 1979. He is the first overseas Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism anywhere in the world.